Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome back Colgate!

Our blog may have fallen off a bit, but hopefully we'll be able to start back up again this year. Broad Street has a lot of new stuff going on this year, and it's all very exciting.
First of all, our new officers are:
Andy Peng, President
Max Miller (me), Business Director
David Case, Executive Producer
Caitlin Grossjung, Secretary
We lost a lot of good men in graduation last year, but hopefully we'll be able to gain some new talent in the activity fair coming up, this Wednesday from 4-6 PM on the Quad. The new freshman class is over 100 people more than usual, and I'm sure there is a lot of new untapped musicianship out there.
Secondly, and what I'm most excited about: Gatestock 2010 Part 2, The Redemption.

Although last year didn't work out as well as we planned, it was still a success (in my opinion). We braved the 40 degree temperature, freezing rain, and hail (in mid-April), and estimates were as high as 400 people throughout the day. And now we're back with a vengeance. This year, September 25th from 12 PM to 6 PM is Gatestock Part 2. With more free food, more free T-shirts, and even better awesome music. Hopefully this Gatestock will be huge, and the administration will finally give us some credit.
Right now all of our attention is being held by Gatestock, but afterwards we're thinking of a few other cool events. Our distribution CD is still in the works, and we're hoping it will be ready within a few weeks. We're hoping to have some kind of winter concert in February or so, which would be basically whoever wanted to play would play. Ideally, this would be in the chapel. We're also looking to follow K'naan and Wale with an equally amazing musical act sometime in early spring.
Well that's it for now. Hope to see everyone at Gatestock!